Thursday, January 14, 2010

List of things you can build yourself - Part 1

Living on a lifestyle block is a perfect excuse to go a build a few things that complement your block and your lifestyle. You don't need to be a DIY whiz to succeed at some of these projects.  Here's some things we've built so far, or intend having a crack at sometime;

Tyre swing – this was one of the first things we did when we moved in. The higher it is hung from in the tree the bigger the swing arc.

Letterbox – a recent project due to the last one rotting. I built it and the rest of the family decorated it. I think it must be the most stand-out letterbox in town.

Chicken coop – there are many types and sizes. Most are within the capabilities of a DIY homeowner. I’m about to start on a new and improved coop and run for our 5 chickens.

Bird house – another way to attract birds

Pizza Oven – this project is on my wife’s request list. There’s a lot of work in one of these but they make a great contribution to an outdoor entertainment area. Here’s what one could look like; . I've also had feedback that these plans are very good; . You have to sign up to get these plans, but they are free and are very comprehensive.

Wooden compost bin – the one in the picture is modular and very easy to build. To mix or turn its contents you simply take each layer off, one at a time, and shovel out the contents into the bin in its new location.

Workbench – with all these projects on the go you will need a decent workbench…

Check out for some excellent free plans for some of the above projects.

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